2018年1月15日 星期一

INAV-3-1.Learning INAV interface one by one (學習INAV介面)

Welcome back to learn about INAV interface,there are 3 parts of main page

------------------- Welcome Page -------------------

A:  [Connect port list] [連接埠]
   After connect your fly board you can see a new com port (ex:COM7) , it is meaning you did install usb drive very well, if did't see , please check your usb driver install step again.
also in INAV if you do a FW upgrade processing , here will show "DFU"  mode.

B: [Connect button] [連接按鈕]
  Choose a port and click this button  into INAV setting page 

------------------ Main Page -------------------

Working: blue light  , failed/Error: red light
燈號顯示: 正常:藍燈 錯誤:紅燈

A:  [Motor arming] : status of motor starting  馬達是否啟動狀態 
B: [Failsafe mode]: status of failsafe (setting Failsafe page) 是否進入失控保護狀態
C: [Serial link status]: status of your receiver  接收器的狀態
D: [GYRO]: status of gyroscope 陀螺儀狀態
E: [Accel]:status of accelerometer 加速度計狀態
F: [Mag]: status of magnetometer  磁力計 / 羅盤 /指南針狀態
G: [Baro]: status of barometer 氣壓計狀態
H: [GPS]: status of GPS 導航狀態
I: [Flow]: status of optical flow 光流計狀態 (非必需)
J: [Sonar]: status of sonar / range finder 聲納或測距儀狀態 (非必需)
K:[Speed]: status of airspeed 空速計狀態 (非必需)
L:[databflash storage]: status of external micro SD (資料儲存裝置 通常是內建或是SD卡) 
M:[Profile]: choose one of profiles for using  (可以分別設定三個系統設定檔進行切換)
N:[Connect/Disconnect]: Connect or Disconnect INAV (連線/中斷連線)
O:[Battery]:Battery voltage (電壓顯示此功能必須要焊接飛控)
P:[LOG]: log / message  (顯示操作過程訊息)

 A. Pre-arming checks area (解鎖檢查表)
Before you unlock your motor (arming) , this area all items must be green light first, it's meaning system ready to fly , if you see any error from here, you should troubleshooting and fix it first.

B.Info area(基本資訊顯示區)

C.GPS area( 導航資訊顯示區)
Here will show GPS information ,(if you have GPS) if you want to get more detail ,please click
Page of GPS.

D.testing your drone (飛行器測試區)
Trying move your controller and check it when you connect to USB