2017年12月19日 星期二

INAV - Configurator install(INAV安裝)

INAV - Configurator install(INAV軟體安裝)

安裝方法與Cleanfilght 或 Betafight 是相同的(Install way same Cleanfilght or Betafight )

1.開啟chrome瀏覽器連到google的應用程式商店 > 搜尋 INAV - Configurator 或直接點選下面連結
(Open a chrome broswer and connect to google app shop or just click link as below )


2.點選 加到chrome
(Click [Add to chrome] button)

(Click add application )

(Waiting for a while then you can see your chrome browser application page include INAV icon already)

4.下載需要的驅動程式,如果之前已經有使用Cleanfilght 或 Betafight 其實這三個驅動程式是相同的。可以依照主畫面下的連結進行下載安裝或是直接從我的google drive下載
(Download the driver what you need , if you use cleanfilght or betafight before actually the drivers are same.
you can follow INAV main page to download drive or just download from my google drive

我的google drive下載位置 (download from my google drive)

5.安裝CP210X drive 
請將下載的 [CP210x_Windows_Drivers.zip] 解壓縮,並執行CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe
(Install CP210X drive , please download and nncompress CP210x_Windows_Drivers.zip file after double click CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe)

 點選下一步 (Click button NEXT)

點選[我同意此合約]> 下一步 (Click [I agree ] and click button NEXT)

完成後點選[完成]離開 (Click [Finish] and exit program)

6.安裝SMT32 drive
請將下載的 [en.stsw-stm32102.zip] 解壓縮,並執行VCP_V1.4.0_Setup
(Install SMT32 drive , please download and nncompress en.stsw-stm32102.zip file after double click VCP_V1.4.0_Setup)

 點選下一步 (Click button NEXT)

 點選Install (Click button Install)

完成後點選[完成]離開 (Click [Finish ] and exit program)

7.5.安裝Zidag (for DFU)  
(double click zadig-2.3.exe for install Zidag )

詢問是否要線上檢查版本,點選 [NO]
usually answer no , if has a available new version , you can click yes (inter support)

此圖示為接入飛控後再執行Zidag 安裝時會出現飛控晶片(SAMPLE)
The picture is execute zidag with connect controller , you can see SMT32 bootloader

在還沒接入飛控前安裝,請點選[WINUSB] > [Install WCID Driver]
(Without controller install , please select [WINUSB]  and clieck [Install WCID Driver])

(Finish and exit)

